Morning Prayer for December 26

Thank you, blessed Lord, because my body has rested all night because my eyes open to give way to a new day full of hope and many opportunities to be a better person. Thank you for the miracle of life for your love and your constant care.

I thank you, beloved Father, because you did not remove your protective hand from my home, because you are aware of my cry and because I have many reasons to continue in this difficult life. I ask you to increase my faith every day, so that I can spread it to the rest and that they can know you, Father God.

I ask you this morning for my loved ones, for my family, so that you fill us with your peace and that you make us feel your love. Merciful Lord, do not take into account the mistakes we can make or the mistakes we can make, just look at our desire to be able to please you and the service actions that we carry out every day.

Grant us the food we need to strengthen our bodies, do not abandon us, or allow the enemy to make cracks in our union. Also feed our souls with your word, unite us in prayer and draw us closer to You.

Give me the docility to accept that there are times when I don’t need to have the things I want and that they will come when it is really necessary. My God, you who make everything perfect will know how to fill me with your gifts when the time is right.

Eternal God, I put everything I have in your hands, my plans, my desires, and my desires so that you have them as I need them. Don’t let achieving goals make me lose sight of my main goal, which is to achieve your grace.

I want to learn new things this day, my God, I want to obtain new knowledge to achieve better personal and professional development. Give me the prosperity I need in my work, to have abundance and success where I have to employ myself. Always take care of me and don’t let anything bad happen to me.

It is impossible to be close to you, blessed Father, and not feel your love. Every morning, like today, I look for you and I want to be in your presence. My joy and my happiness have your name. That is why I will bless you forever, Lord Almighty, I will praise you with every beat of my heart and with every word that comes out of my mouth.

Beautiful Lord of my life, I want to thank you because I know that you will grant me a day full of prosperity, thank you because I have faith in your promises and I know that you will fulfill everything in the time you see fit. Always take care of me, my holy God, so as not to fall into the temptations of the world. All this I ask in the victorious name of your Son, Jesus Christ, the only Lord and true way. Amen.

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