Morning prayer for December 28

Dear God, this morning I stand before you to thank you, first of all, for the miracle of life and also because you show me your immense love with each day that you give me. I ask you to stay by my side throughout this day that is about to begin and to guide my steps on the path of righteousness.

My God, give me the prudence and wisdom to make the best decisions, decisions that give me the favor I have been looking for. Give me the firmness, Father God, to maintain my position and my principles, so that no person can make me change my mind or suggest ideas contrary to what you send me.

Keep all kinds of evil away from me, protect me from tempting situations that only want to make me fail and disappoint you. Walk by my side as the insurance I need, be the shield that covers me from sadness, discouragement, and disunity. Make my actions reflect your love and your goodness that the people who need you, see in me a proof of what you can do in their lives if they only open their hearts.

This morning I ask you to grant me the determination and the fighting spirit to be able to face all the trials that will come to my life today. Help me to resist and to know how to accept when things do not go the way I am hoping. Give me calm, my Lord, to wait on You knowing that You will offer everything to me at the moments that You consider appropriate.

I also ask for a lot of strength and patience to know how to face and solve the problem that I have been going through. I am aware, blessed Father, that your ways are complicated and that knowing you does not make me exempt from difficulties. Increase my faith and hold me by your hand when problems knock on my door, give me the certainty of having you by my side in times of illness, sadness, and storm.

I want to ask you, Lord, for my family, for our union, and for the love we have for each other. Allow us to be a family with a lot of prayers, to start praying together and not leave us alone when we go through problems and difficulties. Give us the food we need to satisfy our hunger and the roof to shelter and live in peace.

Day by day renew our strength, cleanse our hearts of the sins and faults that we may commit, give us the forgiveness we need to be in your grace. Come closer to You, my God, and let us know what You want for us and thus, know what plans we can design based on your designs.

Oh wonderful God, the only King of my life and my heart, grant me on this day the grace to be by your side. I beg you to look at my desires with mercy and it may be your will that fulfills the desires for which I have been working with so much effort.

Beautiful Lord, I offer You this humble prayer from the bottom of my heart knowing that You know everything that is in me. Allow me to live a day full of blessings and much happiness, remove the evils from my path and give me your company for the rest of the day. All this I ask in the merciful name of Jesus, your Son, and our Lord, Amen.

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