Morning Prayer for January 8

Mighty God, the rays of the sun announce the arrival of a new day, thank you for this beautiful sunrise and for the health that you lend me to carry out my daily activities. Dear Lord, I thank you with this prayer for the opportunity you give me to share my life with the people I love the most. I am confident that my prayer will be heard and that you will be attentive to my cry when I need you.

I thank you, Blessed God because you walk by my side at all times of the day. Thank you, because you are always with me wherever I go because I can go to a good place with good and return home in the same way. Thank you, heavenly Father, because you illuminate my steps and lead me along the paths that are far from evil.

Pour out your anointing on this beautiful day, stay by my side to give me security when walking, when starting a project and when I have to make a decision. Give me the wisdom I need, blessed Father, to generate favor and not to be fooled by the tricks that the enemy may have.

Every space in my life has your name, Holy God, increase my faith and make me constant in prayer. Give me the grace to get to know you more and more so that I can show you to my family and my friends. Incomparable Lord, may your protection over me never depart.

Blessed God, that everything I do is in your name, that you will be carried out and that my actions can be the correct ones to be able to please you in some way. May my life be a testimony of your love, may my joy be present in the hearts of my brothers.

My beloved King, I raise this prayer to ask you to grant health to me and all mine. Holy Father, may your healing hand visit my home, and may it take away all the pains, illnesses, and sorrows that may exist. Help me, Lord, to continue fighting for my dreams, for my desires, and for what I need.

Blessed God, your power knows no limits and this morning I want to praise and bless you, that my lips proclaim your greatness and that my songs are only for you. I ask You to be able to transform the lives of my brothers, transforming the actions of my neighbor, and that they can come to You to find their salvation.

My Lord, I ask you that on this day my mind can deal with the complexities that I will encounter along the way, that I may have the perseverance not to give up, and that I have the firmness to respect my convictions. Help me understand that each test has a teaching that will make me a much better person than I am now.

Thank you, my Lord, for everything you do in my life. Now I am about to start the day full of your blessing and filled with your love. Be my protective shield during this day that is beginning. All this I ask in the name of Jesus Christ, the only way of truth, Amen.

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