Prayer to solve problems

Blessed Lord, I look up to you in this very moment of difficulty I am going through because only You know what is in my mind and my life. Only You know how despair has seized my life. I seek You today, loving Father, because I know you are by my side, and because you will not abandon me to face this battle that I am going through. You are the only one that can be victorious in overcoming the problems that trouble and pursue my daily life.

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I come before You today, wondrous Lord, to thank you for being my guide; for each blessing you have gifted me with, and all those things that I do not achieve, and may never achieve, because You are the only one who knows what my destiny is, You, the provider of everything good, and everything I need for my wellbeing.

It would be unfair not to thank You, my God, for all the wonderful things you have done in my life. You have blessed me day after day. I am alive, I have a home and a family, and even though sometimes there are quarrels or misunderstanding, your victorious hand always prevails over difficulties. Today I want to hand you my problem, Lord.

I pray in faith and place the problems that trouble me so, in your holy hand, my Almighty God. Take them, blessed Lord, and provide whatever solution you deem necessary. My strength to solve these problems is running out, beloved Lord, that is why I place them in your hands, because I know that You know what to do, because I know You have everything under control.

You know well the problems that affect me so much, that deprives me of sleep and are a great worry to me. I wish to ask You, loving God, for you to place your powerful hand on my life and problems, may they be solved in Your holy name, Lord, King of the Armies.

Jesus Christ may all bondage, problem, conflict, and any other situation of anguish in my life, be solved in your wonderous name. I know that together with you, my victory is secured because I know that by your side, nobody, and nothing can challenge me.  That is why, in faith, I pray that you may provide a solution to every problem that haunts me by solving and removing them from my life. Lord, take care of my problems because I cannot solve them on my own, I need You and your grace, loving and eternal Father.

I pray, loving God of my life, that you may help me move forward. Comfort and embrace me with your love, help me to move forward, both strong and brave as your Son Jesus Christ did when he begged for the chalice to pass Him by. I cry out to You, Lord of Lords, and ask you to help me not to give up and not be defeated in times of trial, because I know that this is the time when my trust in You must be strong, my Lord.

Provide me with faith, loving Father, that only You know how much I need it. Renew my life, thoughts, and feelings. Prepare me for the great things you have in store for me. Make me strong and brave to hang on in these times of difficulties. Give me patience, my holy God, to wait calmly for all the good things that are to come as a result of your mercy.

Comfort me, Lord, hold me in your arms with love and help me to remember that I am not alone, that Your walk by my side protecting me and providing me with the spirit never to give up, be what it may. I know that it is Your will that governs my life, that is why I ask for your help so that I can always see and understand what is good.

Precious and loving Lord, You are the light that guides me day in and day out, please do not forsake me ever. Help me to continue firmly on your path, trusting your Divine Mercy. Help me to place my trust in You, and know that trough this precious prayer, all my problems will be solved in Your name, holy God.

I thank you for hearing my plea, for allowing me to address you, with all that I have and all that I am. There is nothing that I can hide from you. You are my good Father, only God, and Lord forever and ever. I believe in You, and your power, and that is why, I am certain that the problems that torment my life, will be solved in your powerful and unparalleled name, my Lord.

There is no one such as You because only you are capable, that is why I will remain with you, my Lord.  Those who hope in the Lord will soar on wings like eagles, they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint because we wait in You, my wonderful Lord. Y rely on You, trust You, because wherever you are, there is no want, in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen.

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