Prayer to come out of debt

Loving God, I pray wholeheartedly to thank you for each one of you in my life. Thank you for loving me unconditionally and allowing me to enjoy your blessings daily, all of your creations, and your generosity.

Loving Lord, I find myself in a difficult spot in my life, frustrated and devastated, for I cannot find a way out or a solution, to solve the problem of the debts that I have. You know what my situation is, and what has caused my anguish and despair. I do not have the means that I need, and therefore these debts are difficult to pay.

I feel ashamed, Lord because I don’t know what to do. I have always believed and trusted You.  Today, my God, I pray that you provide me with the economic abundance that I need, to settle each one of my debts. Help me to find a way to earn honest money to meet my commitments, as well as the ones towards the people who gave me a hand, and that I have now failed.

I know that you ask us to make the correct decisions, to be fair, and pay our debts. That is why, Lord, I don’t want to leave any pending business. I want to receive your saintly wisdom to find a quick solution to this problem.

Stress is killing me, and only You can help me obtain peace in my life, dear God. Take my hand and help me find the way to pay each debt, be it to my brothers, financial institution, or any other entity. Please do not let go and help me move ahead.

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Merciful God, I don’t want people to lose their trust in me. I want to show them that I am an honest man and that I know how to show them my gratitude and trust. This is the reason why I am asking for your mercy. Help me to find the means, step by step, to settle my debts.

Likewise, eternal Father, I pray that you bless me so that I will not lack a job. Help me keep my job and everything I have. Provide me with the strength I need to face the trails you place in my life, Lord.

Help me to persevere and not lose faith. Do not allow for stress, frustration, and fear drive me away from You. I do not want to lose sight of my path, and I want to continue holding your hand, because, by your side, I lack nothing.

You know me, my God, and know that I am worried and that my financial status offers me many worries. I long to settle my debts with my brothers. Help me find the way to do so God.

Dear Lord, I am not the only one that finds himself battling, some of my brothers are even more worried and overwhelmed than I. Pray, you may give them peace, and help them, that as time goes by, their worries will not make them defenseless. Give them the strength, to understand and know how to wait for the perfect timing in their lives, my Lord.

Father Almighty, do not allow our lives and that of our families, be affected by these debts. Allow us to push aside our problems and enjoy the time we spend together as a family. Give us Lord, the ability to cope with our problems without it undermining our family.

Heavenly Father, I also place my creditors in your hands and everyone else that I have pending debts with. I pray that my creditors may be patient, and above all, compassionate towards the situation I am in, knowing that I am doing everything within my reach to meet my obligations. All of this I pray in faith, knowing that you listen to my prayers, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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