Prayer for your children

Eternal Father, I am very grateful to you, Lord, for giving me so much, for allowing me to live and enjoying every one of your blessings. Thank you, because you bestow innumerable blessings on me, and because I am for ever-present in your plans, Lord.

I wish to thank you, Lord, because, in spite of bad days, I can smile, return home, and hug my children. Thank you, Father, because I am fortunate to have such a lovely family to love and to fight for.

Thank you for the joy of being a parent and having wonderful children that fill my life.  I am thankful for their easy smile that lights up the darkest of day, and thankful because it is a pleasure to see them reach their goals.

My children are the most valuable treasure in my life, Father. Every sacrifice, effort, or minute, I offer them, I do so from the bottom of my heart because all I want is their happiness. Even though I know that life has its good and bad moments, I want to be there for them when they need me most.

I want my children to be happy, Father, may they may encounter happiness, kindness, goodwill, service to others, and true love, as well as grief and difficulties, because I know that this is the way to shape their character and personality.

Blessed Lord, I want my children to see not only a parent in me, but an unconditional friend, someone they can turn to when life is overwhelming, or when they have questions or doubts about anything. I want them to trust me, God. Please, guard their ways, do not allow for any vice to trap them, or for the wrong company to deviate them, and that every decision they take, will always lead them along the path of righteousness.

I want to be by their side in every step they take, Lord, that is why I ask you to help me be worthy and recipient of their love and respect. Help me to be a loving and firm parent, supportive yet strict so as to guide them along the path of good. May they never deviate from their path, because who guides them, is You, heavenly Father.

I want what is best for my children, Father, allow me to keep fighting for them daily. That I may be able to provide for them if they are young, and that I can be supportive in whatever measure I can when they take charge of their own life. Above all, God, may they be healthy, so that sickness may not weaken them nor wipe off the beautiful smile that lights up their soul.

Allow me loving God, to be able to provide for their needs, both material and spiritual, trying to be cautious, Lord, not to raise them to be conceited, but good people who copy what is best from their parents. May faith be their main issue, and may they grow to be good, and respectful towards their neighbor, and kindhearted.

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I fervently ask you, my God, to protect my children from harm, that no danger on the streets may lurk or hurt them. I ask you, Lord, that no ill may come upon them, and that they may count on your protection, so that evil will depart.

Give them the certainty and trust they need to reach their goals, to be good men and women, and for their actions to reflect the education that I daily and with great effort give them, and that they may be an example to their friends and companions. Help them not to be ashamed of who they are because they will be a copy of who their parents are.

I pray that love, respect, honesty, and perseverance never fail them, my Lord. Shower them with your Holy Spirit, Father, so that they can always walk hand in hand with you, and that the temptation in this world will not tear them apart from your presence. Protect my children, Lord, I ask you with all my heart, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

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