Night Prayer for April 10

Dear Father, the moon is gifting us with its lights, and you have allowed me to reach this moment for it is you who has a perfect plan for my life. Lord, I am grateful because you care and love me unconditionally.

I want to thank you, King, of kings, from the bottom of my heart, for I am fortunate to have my family with me one more day. Thank you, Lord, because you do not allow me to fall throughout the day and because you always lifted me and hold me firmly.

Thank you, dear God, for all your beautiful creation, for each one is a valuable gift in my life, for I can enjoy the sun, wind, and sea. Thank you, because you have placed everything at my disposal to make me happy and carry out my life joyfully on earth.

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Thank you, merciful Father, because you were with me all day. You offered me your peace and serenity whenever anger appeared during the day. Your pure and sacred love helps me to understand the people who do not think the same way I do.

Kind Lord, who grants me the privilege of having material goods, please help my life to be free from want, and may it be a comfortable one here on earth. Thank you because I can rest under your protection and because my family and I can be together. The infinite blessings you pour out on us, allow us to put our worries aside.

I pray, Blessed Lord, that you as Father of everything right, just and wise, may grant me the wisdom I need to make the right decisions to be a noble person. Please give me the patience I need to see everything you have prepared for my life and help me to be prudent.

I pray, kind Father, for you to free me from earthy worries, and to help me not to be opinionated without the knowledge or grounds to do so. Please help me not to be conceited and grant me the opportunity to learn new things every day.

I pray that you will help me fall asleep and that my body can recover both the strength and health it lost during the day. I want to ask you, Father, that if it is your will, for you to allow my family, me, and the people around me to have a calm and peaceful night, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

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