Night Prayer for April 8

Holy Father, the day has ended, and I want to kneel before You and thank you for each one of your blessings. I pray for faith and for the noble desires of my heart, my Lord.

I have lived through many different situations today, some pleasant and others not, but I have learned from them all. I have learned from these experiences, and above all, I’ve always kept you in my thoughts, because you are the center of my life, Father.

I thank you today for your blessings and for your kindness towards my family and me. Thank you for your love and for helping us to reach our goals. Thank you for your help, Lord, because despite adversity, I was able to be in a good mood. And I also thank you for everything you have created, eternal God.

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Father, I am grateful because I can kneel on this night under my roof and speak to you. Because I will be able to sleep on a bid, because you provide my daily bread, and because you help us to acquire the material things we need.

I beg you, Lord, that your peace may reign over every home in this world. I pray that during the night, people will feel calm and free from the worries this world provides. I pray, my Lord, for all the vulnerable children in this world and for the ones who cannot defend themselves from the enemy.

My dear Redeemer, you are the Savior of this world, and that is why I pray that you help my brethren to find you through the challenges or trials they have to face. Please help them to find your path, for they need you, but do not know how to go about it. Lord, please help them.

Help me, Father, to fall asleep tonight, and that my body my rest and recover the strength that I lost during the day. Allow my dreams to be pleasant, Lord, and that I can set all my worries aside and only think about resting.

Almighty God, I fervently pray that you protect us. There is so much evil in this world, Lord, that I do not want it to disrupt my home, and I don’t want the enemy to come close. Please help us to be alert, and above all, protect us with your holy robe and cover my home and the people in it, Lord. May your will be done, Lord, in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, Amen.

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