Morning Prayer for April 6

Blessed Lord, my heart is overjoyed, and my soul is grateful to you for one more day in my life. I am grateful that I can look up and see the blue sky, feel the rays of the sun on my skin, and be able to live another day.  Thank you, merciful Lord, for my family has woken up by my side today. Each one of them enjoys your blessings in the

Night Prayer for April 5

Our Father, night has arrived, and though my body feels tired, my soul wants to thank you, that is why I kneel before you, Lord, and show my gratitude for the blessings you give my family and me. I am thankful that you are in my life because since I met you Father and accepted your Word of Life, you have continually blessed me, and my loved ones. You have given me

Morning Prayer for April 5

Heavenly Father, I am grateful that I have been able to open my eyes this morning and get out of bed once more. I thank you for a new day with new opportunities to improve and do the things I like. I am grateful because I can enjoy your creation once more, and be part of this world, Lord. I want to thank you for this new day, which offers

Night Prayer for June 4

Dear Lord, I pray with a broken heart and a tired body as a result of everything I’ve lived through today. Nevertheless, I do not want to stop being with you, Lord, nor do I want to stop telling you what my feelings and worries are. Therefore, I am going to kneel before you, Lord, knowing that you hear me. I want to thank you, Father, because you have been

Morning Prayer for April 4

Kind Lord, your gift for me this morning is that I can open my eyes once more and see my loved ones and enjoy your blessings. I thank you, because as this day is about to begin, Lord, you grant me the opportunity to make up for what, according to your will, I have done wrong. Today I can turn a new page in my life and write down the new

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